This 3 Month Program is divided up into 3 x 21-day cycles to help you

1. Cleanse: to get rid of any negative thoughts and blockages within our belief system   

2. Elevate: to raise your vibrational frequencies to be in absolute alignment with the universe  

3. Download: to receive the download of the Abundance of Health, Wealth and Happiness direct from the collective intelligence of the source.

At the end of this program, you will feel a lot lighter without all the stress, in total power, with clarity, focus and alignment to your goals.  

Course curriculum

    1. Telegram Group Link

    1. 3 Month Energy Activation Introduction

    1. 3 Month Energy Activation CLEANSE

    1. 3 Month Energy Activation Elevate

    1. 3 Month Energy Activation Download

    1. 3 Month Energy Activation End of Course

About this course

  • $897.00
  • 6 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content